If you look at this picture on the left side, which one of the two fish is male? The other will be the female ...? Often the intuition and the fact that already have seen many mated fish, leads us to a correct guess. The big Discu here from the side ... is the male ??! Right! The other the female ... was one of my best couples to create getting even F2. I remember some friends who still have this lineage of fish in their homes, spent over 8 years.
There are many guesses, theories on how to differentiate males from females. In some pictures I will try to explain my "theories" because certainties, certainty I just have that my friend is reading this text!
Read the subtitles and if you do not see the first one, read it again and look at the photo ... Certainty I only have that they are a couple is when they do not eat the eggs, the eggs begin to turn black and the fry are born ... yes yes it is Couple !!

By grabbing the fish underneath you can see the sexuality of the fish. Male opens a small spike with a small bend, while the female has a small tube. This is one of the most heard theories by the Asians that I have witnessed in the past.

Males are usually larger fish. You rarely see a female more than 20 cms. Another theory I advocate is that males have the back fin wired that often goes on. What happens only when the fish is in the same time in the same aquarium without ever having happened a shock of Ph. So in the case of females the top fin continues round and the males lengthens. In this case we have a male in the photo. Warning because this theory has already stuck! A female blue diamond had such a long drawl and I always thought I was a male. One day alongside another female I found the two women doing a posture ... gigantic !!
Vitor Hugo Quaresma